.......I don't want a second season of Luke Cage. Here we have a depiction of a black man we haven't seen before. Ever. He's bulletproof and superhumanly strong. He's big, bald, black(darkskin)....and he's from Harlem. He's also an escaped convict. Yet Luke doesn't kill...shit, Luke doesn't curse....*puts a dollar in Pop's tip cup*.....he's not a bully. He's humble, he sweeps hair for a living, but he's intelligent.....he actually reads books! He's kind, he's understanding. Luke carries himself with dignity. He's not effeminate in walk, talk or outlook. Luke is also a sexual being. Not a leering, hypersexed, catcaller. He's a protector, with a sense of duty to his community. Luke is a man. Even Luke's enemies are men and women of shrewd intelligence. Actual organized criminals who are intelligent themselves (not "nigger stickup men who fall asleep in the getaway car). This show was written and depicts a section of black America accurately. Luke Cage doesn't deserve a second season. Luke Cage deserves a movie franchise. Luke Cage deserves a larger audience. America needs to see we are more than rap videos, sporting events, protesters, and mugshots. America as a whole needs to see Luke Cage. America needs to see Luke Cage as a hero. I don't want a second season of Luke Cage......
great post
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