i mean, i dig Facebook and all, i mean you can really connect to people... but when it comes to the independent music hustle, i really dont think nobody is really fuckin wit Myspace. like seriously, sun.
Facebook, as a design, isnt really suited to the climate of music promotion. maybe music discussion. that makes it a great SOCIAL tool, but i dont really hear of or have heard of the great Facebook music success stories like those we used to hear of on Myspace all the time. and when i go back and look at the Myspace site now and how its been updated, im like shit, i need to open my account again. its streamlined, the music player sounds great, and they have a more pronounced section for the music to be displayed. unlike Facebook, which always has the emphasis on the social interaction. i mean thats a good thing, dont get me wrong. that type of interaction is important. but when it comes time to display the goods, i dont really think Facebook can compete with it.
now i do know of a few success stories from Myspace right now. there's an indie pop group named Blood On The Dance Floor that is KILLLING shit on Myspace. they're quietly making millions in sales and touring profits. well, i can't say quietly, cause they have a whole throng of seriously dedicated fans who live and breathe their stuff. and my neice is one of them. and they have many others across the globe. wanna go their website? you will be redirected right to their Myspace page, where the first thing you see about them is a photo of the band and THE MUSIC. not what their friends are doing, what they like, what they are listening to, not ANY of those distractions that take the focus away from YOU and YOUR MUSIC.
i am NOT geting paid for this. but i hope Justin sees this! lol (Justin Timberlake is a major investor in the new Myspace) im just sayin. and Myspace aint never put me on punishment for 7 days for friendin' people either... not that im bitter or anything...
BEEN telling cats to leave that Facebook alone...
Syk! my dude...
no doubt... the music hustle is more built for myspoace. facebook setup to promote yourself on. but music is second place to people on that site. so if the music is second, that means.,...
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