ok, im making a call again.
as i go thru the web, i see a lot of good reaction to the baw Hopsin, just like i thought it would be. watch, if he keep up his work ethic, and i think he will, he gone get it, mayne. now i'm gonna make a call about these dudes.
this shit right here is fly. very well done and packaged professionally. looks like they mean it. this Vinny Radio and Franchise, known as the Come Up. these dudes are from outta Pittsburgh, and based on the Wiz factor, just may find it easy for people to pay attention. but i think when people give it a listen, it'll be a no brainer.
the shit comes together with a consistent sound, provided by Big Jerm, in the way that classic records are made... with ONE producer. i'm not callin this a classic. i'm sure niggas in Pittsburgh will tho. i AM sayin that this shit is good. much better than a lot of the shit thats out. you know, the shit that sounds like they readin their rhymes off a Blackberry. this shit sounds like they give a fuck, and thats all i could ever ask of any artist. cause we care about music. its a part of our lives. and i dont appreciate being hustled by nobody. thats to you mothafuckas that say u only get down to get paid...
they have another thing going for them. the force behind them is none other than Good Hands Records and the dude i like to call "MR. Underground", Charlie Greenberg. you may not know him, but you know his work. he's been puttin out Killah Priest and Cheif Kamachi for years. he's also the dude that put Camp Lo back on the map. and he's the dude that kept Lil Scrappy poppin. dude know his shit. i know him because i had to give him a call one day because one of the artists i work with, General Granz, was featured on a record of one of his artists with no clearance. shit, without his knowledge! his so-called homeboy sold his verses and aint break him off! i gave him a call, and my man straightened things out without no hassle, with no headaches, strait up business. and a good dude. he hit us with a bunch of cds n stuff. so thats why i think these guys are gonna win. Good Hands is good business.
oh yeah, he's also an executive at hiphopgame.com, which is now part of the ihiphop.com network. the same network that distributed Wiz Khalifah to stardom. these dudes is strait...
...but the music is good too. peep...
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dam, this shit is hot!!!
this is really nice
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