I agree with
Chuck D . I don't think we would be in the top 3, perhaps just make the top 5.
I know people are going to start naming the legendary rappers and say I'm bugging, but I would reply with
you're bugging. First the masses want the old heads to give it up and fade to black,
NOW you want them to represent the art when bragging rights are on the line?
NOW you want the lyrical rappers to step up (a la Slaughterhouse). Sorry Charlie, Jay, Nas, Kanye, Jada, Styles and them ain't going. J Cole, Drake, Vado, Nicki, Diggy & CyHi ain't going either. They will get the bug in their ear that this may not be a good look for them. Here's my roster representing the US:
Wiz Khalifa, Currensy, Yo Gotti, Jay Rock, Tyga, Smoke DZA, KRIT, Red Cafe, XV, PillThese are the new cats, a decent lineup. What will they have to do? Perform the best Hip Hop on the planet. No battle rap, or club lip syncing. Move the world crowd with their Hip Hop. Now of course US rappers headline around the globe, but the US fans have
no idea of these countries' local talent. The Asians have been studying US Hip Hop for years. As have the UK, Russia, Australia, and many more countries. Can anyone of you name one of these countries' favorite local rappers to even provide film or scouting? Reassess your thoughts if you don't think a lot of these foreign rappers can't speak English. Notice how much doubt is starting to brew with that starting 10 I put up.
Wiz & Currensy are pretty much the same type of rap. KRIT has his lane, XV has his. The other 6 are pretty much similar. What team has 6 shooting guards, 2 small forwards and 2 point guards and still thinks it can win a b-ball championship?
Who would be the coach? Ross? Snoop? 50? Jay-Z & Puff have already used Euro sounds on their last albums, a sound none of the above rappers have embraced, yet in the same breath people love Tim Duncan's game, and he's sh^t in the international style of basketball. Whomever would be coach would have to get more Mickey Factz' & Kid Cudi's, a rarity in our US rap format, to even be competitive.
We would lose so badly in a Rap Olympics, cats would probably go US Hockey team on the hotel room. And maybe that's what we
need to actually see how this rap music thing has truly affected the planet, and step our music artistry up a couple of notches.
If I had Sean "Puffy" Combs money I would have
been had this annual event on VH1...